5 Thoughtful Gifts for a Grieving Friend

5 Thoughtful Gifts for a Grieving Friend

Jessica Jessica

Everyone, at some point in their lives, will go through the grieving process when a loved one passes away. We also will be there for our loved ones when they experience a loss, and it’s important to know what to do – and what not to do – to support them.

In addition to finding gifts for a grieving friend to help them heal, there are various ways we can be present and express our understanding during their journey.

How To Support a Loved One Who is Grieving

tea light Gifts for a Grieving Friend

Helping someone who is grieving may feel intimidating, given the intensity of their emotions. They are likely in a lot of pain and may express themselves in ways not everyone will understand. But we can support them with compassion, empathy, and patience.

Understand the grieving process

Grieving is not a linear, straightforward journey; it’s a series of highs and lows that are different for everyone. While the average bereavement period is about 18 to 24 months, some folks may take more or less time to process their emotions fully.

Our loved one may express intense emotions, including anger, sadness, fear, and guilt. All of these feelings are valid, so be supportive,  withhold any judgment, and know that it’s not about us – it’s about them.

Ask thoughtful questions

Instead of advising a grieving person by using statements that begin with “You should,” try to lead with questions. Start by asking them if they want to talk about it at all and see where they lead you.

Ask them how they feel and accept their answers from a place of compassion, even if you had a different experience. Be as gentle and honest as possible, leaving plenty of space for their responses. And if they don’t want to talk at all, sometimes sitting in silence is enough.

Also, ask practical questions about what you can do to help them get through this, such as help with errands, paperwork, and household tasks.

Learn to listen

Listening is the best tool you have in your support arsenal when helping a grieving friend. Don’t just wait to speak; actively listen and be straightforward with your responses, acknowledging that their loss is real. 

Even if your loved one has already told you what happened several times, continued active listening allows them to process what they’re feeling and get it all out. Your willingness to hear their story as much as they need to tell it encourages healing and can help ease their pain.

5 Sentimental Support Ideas and Gifts for a Grieving Friend

The right bereavement gifts can go a long way in helping your grieving loved one feel comfort and support. From the practical to the sentimental, these actions and tokens can provide solace and a break from their enduring pain.

1. Sympathy cards

Sympathy cards are a tangible way to share memories, express support, and provide comfort. Write from the heart, and your grieving friend will have an object to hold onto and return to when they feel compelled. 

Cedar Mountain Studios has two heartfelt options: the Because We Loved stationary with a poignant quote and a Thinking of You card featuring a delphinium. 

Stationery - Lost & Found Card - Thinking of You (Delphiniums)

Stationery - Lost & Found Card - Thinking of You (Delphiniums)


Thinking of you. Cedar Mountain Stationery 5" x 5" matte eggshell specialty card stock Blank inside Sealed in recycled cello card sleeve Kraft envelope for mailing Printed in Canada … read more

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2. Acts of service

When someone passes, their loved ones can be overwhelmed with all of the logistics and paperwork in addition to everyday tasks. Ask your grieving friend if they need help with errands, appointments, forms, and household tasks. This assistance allows them to prioritize healing.

3. Food delivery

Whether setting up a meal train, ordering food delivery, or making casseroles yourself, food is a practical gift for your grieving friend. Taking food prep and cooking off the table gives them space to cope with everything else. You can also offer to do their grocery shopping.

4. Healing home decor

In the midst of grief, your loved one may have moments when they feel deep despair. Remind them that they can persevere with the Stay Strong timber bit. Even though it’s a simple physical object, the sentiment promises they can and will get through it with your support.

Timber Bit - Medium - Stay Strong

Timber Bit - Medium - Stay Strong


You got this! Our Timber Bits home decor wood blocks have an inspiring or funny word or phrase that can be stacked and combined to make inspiring and funny messages. Printed on cedar Dimensions: 8" x 2" x 1"  Browse our… read more

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5. Take them out

Whether it’s for a meal, a movie, or simply for a walk, a trip out of the house is an excellent gift for a grieving friend. It can help them feel a bit of normalcy and possibly even get their mind off their pain for a short while. Fresh air, good food, and entertainment are good for us all.

The Best Gift for a Grieving Friend? Support.

The absolute best gift for a grieving friend is your continuous and unwavering support throughout their grieving journey. Whatever they need, do your best to give it to them authentically and lovingly.

That’s the best way to help a bereaved loved one heal, one step at a time.

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